November 16th, 2016
It was great to have NZ Para-Sailors Chris Sharp and Andrew May making their debut into Weta fleet racing. The conditions were just superb with a gusty 12-18 knots which was both challenging and tactical. With a fleet of nine Weta with wide ranging skills both double and single handed there was some excellent sailing.
Brent and Sarina gave everyone yet another sailing lesson on how consistency, weight distribution, sheet tension and down wind tactics win every time. However Chris, after the first 2 races of learning the course and starting on time, spoilt their party and gave a masterful display showing they can look forward to some outstanding racing in the coming weeks.
A big thank you to all those that helped with the rigging and especially Gareth, the wasp man who helped out getting Andrew's mast pointing to the sky again.
Come and join us on the next race day, November 27.
By Roger Kitchen