Wētā News & Events

Bulkhead Magazine: First held in Japan! Lake Hamana Weta Class All Japan Championship Report

October 08th, 2020

Translated from Japanese:

The "1st Weta Class All Japan Championship" was held on October 3rd and 4th at Lake Hamana Beach Marina in Shizuoka Prefecture. There are 6 boats to enter.

Video: Do you remember your first time? - Joe Brake

September 21st, 2020

Do you remember your first time? 

Alan Taylor, our North American Weta Website Guru must have asked me that question 10 times this past weekend. I was like “bro, getting a little personal aren’t we?” 

Let me share a love story.

Video: Testing the Newly Installed Self Tacking Jib

September 14th, 2020

Testing the new self tacker with twin tiller extensions. Well, I really like it. You can really focus on other tactical decisions such as windshifts and other boats. I know my sheets are still way too long.

Video: Weta Japan featured in KAZI Magazine

September 07th, 2020

Kazi10月号 連載「初心者育成企画 矢口あやは 海ガール始めました!」の動画 江の島から烏帽子岩まで、wetaで回航しました。 動画ではwetaの艤装を解説します!

Video of the October issue of Kazi series "Beginner training plan Aya Yaguchi started Umi Girl!" We cruised from Enoshima to Karasuhata by weta. The video explains the weta outfit!"

By KAZI Magazine
http://www. kazi. co. jp

Review: Multihull Expert Peter Hackett Reviews the Weta Self Tacking Jib

September 07th, 2020

The Weta Self Tacking (ST) Jib has not been out that long but it has gained strong acceptance already, particularly from single handed racers.

USA Weta Dealer Wanted

September 02nd, 2020

A position has become available on the West Coast for someone to join the worldwide network of Weta dealers. • The Weta is a New Zealand One Design trimaran designed in 2004 by a team of talented dinghy sailors.

2020 Queensland Weta State Titles go down to the wire (as seen on TV)

August 28th, 2020

7NEWS Wide Bay video: https://www. facebook. com/watch/?v=307395210590489

Another Queensland Weta Championship has been run and all would agree that this was one of the best.

Festligt, folkligt och full fart

August 26th, 2020

(English translation further below)

Vi blev åtta Wetor som träffade i Hampetorp. Det känns verkligen som om Weta har vind i seglen i Sverige nu. Vi blir fler och fler som ser fördelarna med att segla Weta. Vi har passerat 50 Wetor i Sverige och vi vill bli fler.

Twin Tiller Extension Kit Available Now

August 13th, 2020

The Weta is one of the few classes where you can sail single handed with main, jib and gennaker. The Weta is unique in the way that it can be sailed in this format by any sailor with basic skills.

Connect with Weta Class North America

July 09th, 2020

New Weta Class North America website is live! https://www. wetanorthamerica. com/
Sign in and connect with other owners!
Check out the all the “New Website Features” listed on the homepage. By WCNA

Safety Harness use on a Weta

June 22nd, 2020

Many of you would have read of Bob Shirley’s traumatic experience recently on Sailing Anarchy when he fell overboard from his Weta but fortunately was still tethered to his boat. He writes:

"I went for a sail yesterday on my Weta. It was both a dream and a nightmare.